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White Paper Drafting

White Paper is a primary document for the majority of blockchain-based projects. White Paper describes a technical solution in detail; it promotes and highlights the features of a solution, product, or service it offers or plans to offer. White Paper is used to present the project to both institutional investors and retail investors during crowdfunding.

Sino Fintech can draft for you a White Paper that will reveal the value of your project and show it as attractive to potential investors, customers, and regulators. White Paper is quite similar to a business plan, but while a business plan mainly focuses on the company and its strategy, a white paper is more product oriented. White Paper shows the product's benefits and milestones for its development, the utility of an offered token, and benefits from participation in the community.

Here are the crucial points to pay attention to while drafting a White Paper:

1. Problem and solution.
White Paper should point out a problem existing in the market with quantitatively measured proof. Besides, it should explain why the proposed solution is best for individuals and the community.

2. Roadmap of the project.
A roadmap for the project should be realistic. Later your token holders will track your progress in accordance with this roadmap.

3. Core team.
It is recommended to describe the relevant professional experience of the core team. Some projects prefer not to disclose core tech team members in the White Paper because they would like to protect them from hunting by competitors.

4. Token economics, the utility of the token.
White Paper offers to buy tokens, not to invest in equity. Token economics is important because it plays a critical role in shaping the behaviour of users, investors, and stakeholders in a blockchain network. Token buyers should understand clearly what benefits they are going to receive.

5. Risk and challenges.
White Paper should identify and address potential risks and challenges that could impact the project's success. Legal disclaimers can be a part of it or a separate document, so users should understand and admit all the risks connected with a contribution to the project.

6. Legal nature of the token.
White Paper shall mention the rights and benefits of a token holder. Depending on different rights and benefits, tokens can be classified as securities, utility tokens, or digital assets of other types. To avoid legal disputes, White papers should be proofread by a lawyer.
The Sino Fintech team has the cross-disciplinary experience and can draft White Paper that suits your product.