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Drafting Privacy Policies, Data Protection Policies, consulting on data protection law

International fintech businesses need to store and process data of end customers coming from different countries. So different imperative laws should be considered.

Privacy Policy should contain information about the way you collect personal information of your customers, what information exactly is collected, where do you store their personal information and how do you process it. You should ensure your customers that:

- their personal information is used only to the extent required to provide services to them,

- their personal information is not disclosed to third parties unless it is essential for the services provision and/ or required by the imperative laws;

- their personal information cannot be “sold” or misused for marketing or any other purpose;

- your company has a secure domain and software where your personal information is stored, and prevention measures are in place, including cyber security measures, prevention from hacking and others.

Privacy policy in the Fintech field should describe how you use personal information while you perform transactions for end customers. With regard to the nature of fintech services your business can use personal information of customers to:

- to process their orders, and to communicate with them about orders and services;

- to use statistical data about transactions in order to improve the provided services, for analytics;

- to provide functionality, analyze performance, fix errors, and improve the usability and effectiveness of the services;

- to prevent fraud and to minimize risks.

If you process card payments, you need to have PCI DSS certification, Sino Fintech team is ready to assist you here as well.

Your website may use cookies and similar tools to enhance user experience and to let you understand how customers use your services, to make further improvements. Depending on applicable laws in the region, the cookie banner on your website should notify your visitors about it, ask them to accept or refuse cookies.

Data protection policy shall contain both legal and technical measures that your business applies. It is a set of principles, rules and guidelines that informs how you will ensure ongoing compliance with data protection laws. It should describe how your business maintains physical, electronic and procedural safeguards in connection with the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. In addition, it is recommended to explain how you limit access to personal information only to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know.